More stories from Learning Lab

Official Launch of the Guide to Clerking

This new year, the legal community in Malaysia witnessed a significant milestone with the official launch of The Guide to Clerking, a groundbreaking publication by Daniel Tan Wee Xian. View the story Official Launch of the Guide to Clerking By…

Top 10 Careers in Digital Technology

High demand, low supply. Four words to sum up the current landscape for Digital Technology, the world’s fastest growing industry. Career opportunities are bountiful, so it’s a good time for those with an interest in this field to consider the…

Working & Studying: A Juggling Act Made Easier

Working and studying simultaneously is often touted as the pinnacle of productivity, as each minute of your life is spent on something valuable to your future – education or finances. However, it may be a challenge for some to handle…

Why You Should Join a Foundation Programme

There are many options and routes one can take after graduating from high school. You can head straight to university, no detours, and no sidetracks. If you need more time to decide on what degree or pathway to choose, a…

Anxious Procrastination: The What & the How of the Issue

Ever had those moments where you KNOW you had something to do, but… you just can’t bring yourself to do it? You have all the tools, all the resources necessary- but you just can’t bring yourself to get started- telling…

Where Skill Sets Overlap: Law & Communications

In one career, words play a role in deciding one’s fate in the eyes of the law. In another, words are used to convey ideas and invoke feelings in their target audience. And yet, an overlap between Law and Communications…

How to Overcome a Mental Block

You have an essay/ assignment/ article/ report/ (insert suitable task here) to write/ prep. You crack open your laptop, pull up the necessary references/ material for your work, give yourself a good stretch and, feeling motivated and inspired, you settle…

A Clearer Understanding- Why Legal Interpreting is Important

Imagine entering court, knowing that whatever decision that follows hinges on the impression you make…but you have no idea what is going on because you can’t speak the language. Imagine the stress and fear you would experience. Imagine the absolute…

Valuable Vocals: The Field of Voiceover Work!

Ever considered the elements that go into creating a video production? A video production, regardless of its scope, is created from multiple components which includes features such as the artwork, the script, the soundtrack… and the voiceover talent.View the story…

Off The Beaten Track:

We’ve heard the jokes and the quips- the good ones, the bad ones, and the downright cringe-worthy ones that all pop up the minute people hear you’re reading Law: “Eh, you’re studying law? Then if I go to jail, you…

Hot & Cold:

Working in groups is no easy task- be it working with your classmates on those ever-dreaded group assignments, or working with a group of co-workers, there are times when things may get…tricky. Considering the many different personalities that can be…

Because I’m Happy:

It’s a rare person who ISN’T suffering from the Monday Blues once the weekend wraps up. We’ve all heard the jokes; “Look on the bright side- Monday only happens once a week!” “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I blinked, Monday.”…

Cracking the Chronotype Code

We don’t all wake up the same way. Some of us rise with the sun, and greet the new day with a cheerful grin as a rooster crows in the distance. Others would prefer to avoid the sunlight peeking into…

The Crypto Breakdown

Practically the whole world (besides technophobes, and possibly the Amish) was an astonished and horrified audience to the event known as the Great Crypto Crash of 2022 over the last two weeks of May. Even key players in the cryptocurrency…

Studying Fit: Staying Healthy Amidst Finals Fever

Ah, finals season. A season of burning the midnight oil, as your power through last minute studying and/or assignment work, fuelled by caffeine, snacks and the determination to see things through! “Sleep is for the weak!” you cry, as you…

Why is Early Learning So Important?

“A Kindergarten Teacher, or Early Childhood Educator, is responsible for supervising children and guiding their development so they have the foundation to succeed in elementary school. Their duties include developing age-appropriate lesson plans for students with different abilities, teaching social…

What To Know Before Starting A Restaurant

There are a few popular phrases we hear when it turns out that we have a passion (and talent!) for cooking; “This is so good, you should start your own business!” “Wah, like this you can start your own restaurant…

Much To-Do: The Importance of To-Do Lists

We’ve all had those days. You know- those days. Days where we’re running around in “headless chicken” mode, desperately trying to catch up with our tasks and chores, like an overworked K-Drama heroine- only to discover that we’ve left a…

Blockchain Tech is Here To Stay- Here’s What You Need To Know!

You’ve probably heard of the word “blockchain” being bandied about pretty frequently, and like most people, you would be familiar with the fact that blockchain is the technology used to verify and record transactions of digital currency Bitcoin, which has…

Presentation, Persistence and Personality – The 3Ps for Career Success

There is a difference between looking for a career and looking for a job. A job is often a temporary fix. Often jobs provide the income meet financial commitments or just to get the bills paid. A job is slinging…

Deciding Your Area Of Practice

Every law student (including those aspiring to study law) and even young lawyers often struggle in deciding what type of law they want to practice. Legal dramas on TV and law school to a large extent gives the impression that…

Legal Tech: 3 Things Every Law Student/Graduate Should Know

Legal Tech or Legal technology is growing in its application and in time will become an indispensable part of the legal landscape. Its role for most part however, is not very well understood and has also been met with a…

5 Ways To Safeguard Your Mental Health At Work

Mental health has become a hot topic of discussion, more so in today’s competitive job market. The far-reaching effects of poor mental health at the workplace includes low productivity. On that note, here are some basic ways to protect and…

Lifelong Learning Is A State of Mind

Lifelong learning is the pursuit of knowledge for personal of professional reasons which is best defined as ‘ongoing, voluntary and self-motivated’. So, who can we learn from? Literally, from anyone and anything! What we learned in primary school provided the…

Inspiring Entrepreneurs: Lessons In Leadership

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is just like exploring recipes in cooking – you should try out tested and true methods practised by others before you venture into creating your own – such is the journey in discovering your own path…

Going Digital: Steps to Establish Your Online Business

Nobody is privy to the fact that going digital is indeed the way to go these days, especially when it comes to doing business. As trends in recent years indicate, technological advancements have allowed for enhanced and more frequent interactions…

The Importance of Networking

Have you ever looked at someone at a work-related event and thought “Wow! This person really does know everyone.” It’s impressive, isn’t it? Watching them move from one group of people to the next, maintaining civil, charming conversation. Establishing strong…

Adaptability Skills For Career Success

Adaptability is an integral soft skill sought after by employers in the 21st century. As technology evolves, employers established in “conventional ways” may not be able to sustain profitable operations in the long run unless they are able to adapt…

Using Social Media Wisely For Your Dream Job

When you’re starting to use social media for yourself, be professional and polished. That’ what we recommend you do for starters. But as you get more comfortable and confident in your posts, you can showcase to people who you really…

Shaping Social Change: The Role Of New Media And Pop Culture

If you look at how far global society has come, it is clear that much has changed. The impact left by various movements and events in human history has brought to numerous issues to light- leading to relevant (and deeply…

Careers For Creative People

The passionate, the dreamers, the big thinkers, and the innovators – these are just some of the many descriptions of a creative person. The creative field is one which centres on imagination and original thinking, especially work in the arts…

Debunking 5 Myths about Mass Communication

Many people tend to think of mass communication as a fun and exciting field – you get to write articles, be a news anchor and interview celebrities or work behind the camera such as broadcasting or film. Aside from all…

5 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Design Inspiration

Many of us spend hours scrolling through Instagram accounts. As aspiring design students, be it graphic design or other forms of visual arts, it never hurts to seek inspiration around you. Here are some Instagram accounts you may want to…

Unique Careers for Millennials

You’ve probably heard the term “millenials” thrown around dozens of times, normally to describe yourself and friends/co-workers/acquaintances in a specific age group. Fun Fact: The term ‘millennial’ is used to refer to anyone born from 1981 to 1996, who make…

8 Digital Jobs Every Company Should Be Hiring

technological advancements and demographic changes could lead to a net loss of 5 million jobs by the year 2020. A majority of these jobs are likely to be white-collar, office-administrative jobs. More recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has created a paradigm…

How The Pandemic Has Changed the Travel/ Tourism Industry

We know, we know, this had been said before- the widespread effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have severely impacted multiple industries. Among the industries that have been hit the hardest? Travel and Tourism. The travel/ tourism industry, as we all…

3 Ways To Pick Up Coding

Coding, an essential to the internet infrastructure, has long been perceived as something only used by hackers and web developers. These days however, the benefits of coding knowledge is a widespread phenomena, and many are picking up coding to both…

How To Create An Impressive Digital Portfolio

A digital portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and collection of works to prospective employers. Most creative professionals such as marketing professionals, copywriters, graphic designers and UX designers tend to use online portfolios to present their skills…

New Age, New Career

With all these news and articles circulating around social media and the press about how uncertain and tough the current job market is because of Covid-19, you must be wondering what you can do to fortify your own career.  In…

Putting Together a Creative Portfolio

Do you have many folders called “untitled” on your desktop and endless working files called final.doc, finalfinal.doc and reallyreallyfinal.doc? Well, why not take all your sleepless nights’ worth of work and turn them into a creative portfolio? Your first reaction…

4 Ways to Land Your First Job After Graduation

Okay, so you’re done with University and now you’re looking for a job. Figuring out what employers are looking for in graduates may be tough. Here are some essential skills employers look for in graduates. Be Adaptable Adaptability means being…

A Career In Hospitality And Tourism Management

The hospitality and tourism management industry has a great deal to offer graduates both in Malaysia and abroad. The industry covers areas ranging from accommodation and food services to health, fitness and entertainment including bars, clubs and pubs. What skills…

Do’s & Don’ts For a Good Legal Resume

Writing a good resume may be a daunting task for law graduates and even young lawyers seeking to land their dream job at a top legal firm. A legal resume is unique simply because legal applicants are expected to highlight…